Wednesday, May 11th
- 8:50 Welcome of the participants
- 9:00-9:55 Nicolas RAYMOND Semiclassical analysis of the Neumann Laplacian with constant magnetic field in three dimensions
- 10:00-10:55 Albert MAS Spectral analysis of a confinement model in relativistic quantum mechanics
- 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
- 11:30-12:25 Thomas OURMIÈRES-BONAFOS Spectral properties of relativistic quantum waveguides
- Lunch
- 15:30-16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00-16:55 Enguerrand LAVIGNE-BON Semiclassical spectrum of the Dirichlet-Pauli
operator on an annulus
- 17:00-17:55 Fabio PIZZICHILLO Boundary value problems for 2-D Dirac operator on corner domains and the Coulomb interaction
- 20:00 Conference dinner
Thursday, May 12th
- 9:00-9:55 William BORRELLI Some properties of cubic Dirac equations in honey-comb structures
- 10:00-10:55 Annalaura STINGO Global stability of Kaluza-Klein Theories
- 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
- 11:30-12:25 Martin OELKER On domain, self-adjointness, and spectrum of two-body Dirac operators with interaction
- Lunch
- 15:30-16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00-16:55 Long MENG Dirac-Fock model: The structure and rigorous justification
- 17:00-17:55 Sebastian HERR Nonlinear Dirac Equations
Friday, May 13th
- 9:00-9:55 Yvonne ALAMA BRONSARD
On low-regularity numerical approximations via decorated tree
- 10:00-10:55 Ngoc Nhi NGUYEN Fermionic semiclassical L^p estimates
- 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
- 11:30-12:25 David CHIRON Smooth branches of travelling waves for NLS in 2d
- Lunch
The talks will take place in Salle de conférences.
The workshop program and the abstracts are available for download here.